More About Zumba

Zumba was created by the choreographer and fitness instructor Alberto “Beto” Perez in the mid1990s.  it was a result of a “happy accident” – Beto was on his way to teach an aerobics class and realized he’d forgotten his music. He didn’t have time to double back and get it, so he improvised, using the salsa and merengue tapes he happened to have on him. Instead of strict rep-counting, he ended up improvising a class that was the perfect mix of dance and aerobics that kept his students moving and having fun!
Zumba was designed to be low-impact, and to be an intense and efficient calorie-burning workout that is adaptable and suitable for all different ages, body types and levels of fitness.


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Mary massey

Mary Massey is an excellent zumba instructor and has been for the past 12 years, she teaches zumba at Lifetime Fitness, alongside with other fellow instructors and friends. In addition, she does 1:1 coaching.
